The ONLY thing you can trust a known liar on, is the possibility of them lying.

I suspect this is why "decent" folk hate when Millenials verify things being told to them, because the implication they get is "I think you're a liar"

Which, lets be clear, we think -everyone- lies
This may, honestly, be one of the largest things about the generational gap.

We've grown up with promises and been let down by Boomers and Late Gen-X often enough that "I'm gonna need a source on that" is practically a generational motto.

We don't intrinsically trust anymore.
I don't think people recognize that Millenials are a generation that has been lied to, and let down by the truth so many times that we've become a generation of cynical, tired, overworked and highly jaded individuals who just want to fuck off into something better...
Seriously though, when all it takes to have all or almost all of the combined millennia of human knowledge at your finger tips is a cell signal or a wifi connection, and few blips of your thumbs... Who -wouldn't- double check?
Some observations:

Boomers do -not- like their authority challenged. Correcting them is a challenge

Boomers do -not- like being seen as "weak" in any capacity, especially to your phone

Boomers don't like being seen as uniformed, regardless of how much they actually are...
It's suburbanism taken to the illogical extreme:

It doesn't matter about your ACTUAL financial state, and personal standing, you have to APPEAR to BELONG. That means STATUS SYMBOLS and the like are more important. It's part of why boomers shit on our hobbies. STYLE> SUBSTANCE
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