With less than a week until the election, we spoke to 2016 Trump voters about their plan this year. A thread:
Janice says that Trump has “given back her neighborhood” and that he’ll be the only person she votes for “for as long as I live.” 1/x
Jon, an unemployed personal health associate, says that Trump is, “the healthiest person in America, so I don’t have a choice but to vote for him.” 2/x
Elizabeth “loves” Trump, and can’t wait to, “see Hillary crying on election night again.” She thinks that Trump will, “break his election record from last time.” 3/x
Willy, retired mall Santa, says there’s, “no way I’ll vote for Biden. Do that, and Christmas goes away again.” Willy is no longer allowed to visit local malls due to an incident he refutes having happened. 4/x
Randall has this to say about his support for Trump. “He’s made America great again and he will do it again. Biden made a virus for China and thought he’d win but Trump kicked his ass.” 5/x
Mike told us that Trump has been a role model for him as a parent. “I only get to see my daughter once a month, so I brought her to this rally to see real Americans and show her that COVID is a hoax.” 6/x
Jared said that Trump must be re-elected so that, “Obama can finally be impeached for what he did.” 7/x
Kevin, 17, said that his parents are letting him vote for his deceased grandmother, again. “They figure she would have loved what Trump has done for the USA, so I might as well vote for her. It’s like casting her vote from heaven.” 8/x
Jack shared his concern for a Biden presidency. “He’s loony, man. Can’t even talk good. We all heard about it. He can barely walk down a flight of stairs. Total creep to women too. And his kids are bad. Just leech off his name.” 9/x
“I haven’t been to a doctor since 2009 because Obamacare is so bad,” Daniel told us. “I hate socialism so much and the out of control lefties like Pelosi and Biden are shoving it down our throats.” 10/x
Dale says his life was good until, “Hillary ruined it all. I can’t get no dates. My tinder is nothin’. She made me an incel, and that’s when I realized we needed a change. So I’m voting for Donald J. Trump because I’ve had enough of Hillary and the liberals.” 11/x
Jake and Heather are big fans of Trump. “This is like our dream date,” said Jake. “It’s not a date though,” said Heather. “Well I mean it sorta is, you know,” replied Jake. “We’re cousins,” Heather reminded him. 12/x
Jackie told us she is, “praying everyday for Trump to save us from the deep state.” She worries about voter fraud, especially mail in votes. We asked her about her voting plan. “Oh, I already sent my ballot in 2 weeks ago,” she told us. 13/x
Jen, Jenny, and Gen told us they have a YouTube channel all about Trump, called “3 girls, 1 Don”. Gen said, “we want to be in the a Trump Army to protect the polls, but it’s just for guys, which makes sense.” 14/x
Finally, we spoke with Geoff, who had this to say. “Trump is the only one who can make us great again. I’m sick of ANTIFA and Obama and the NFL disgracing our flag. Get out if you don’t like it. Just leave our flag alone. People that don’t respect the flag are the worst.” 15/15
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