i really do joke all the time about how i built my entire personality off of buffy characters but i do seriously think about how i would genuinely not be the same person without this show. i've met so many lifelong friends through this gay vampire show and it shaped me completely
i just think so much about how i grew up as a very scared kid who Hated the world and thought i'd have to go through everything alone (and still do feel that way most of the time), but buffy was and is my safe haven. it always reminds me that there are still good things.
i didn't have many friends as a kid, so they Were my friends. when my real life friends/family hurt and disappointed me, i always knew i'd have my best friends willow and xander and buffy and oz and giles (& sometimes spike) there to comfort me, y'know?
i just think that this show taught me so much about the world and teaches me new things every day. it teaches me that forgiveness is an act of compassion and sometimes you need to choose to forgive people, that you can choose to be kind in a world that isn't kind to you, etc
anyways there's not much point to this thread other than i am emotional and going through a Very Bad time rn and i was just thinking about how this show is so absolutely essential to every single aspect of my life and i wouldn't be who i am without it
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