Going back in time to stop jreg from existing so that centracide never becomes a thing.
Like seriously, this is probably a rather cold take but no, it isn't funny to call yourself a trans strasserist or homofascist.
I'm incredibly pissed whenever someone actually tries to argue in favor of some weirdo ideology that would not only be impossible to implement, has barely any following, or would lead to the deaths of millions/billions for a system that doesn't even have a guarantee of working,
but just also doesn't make any sense from a material or ideological basis. For example, there is nothing to suggest that nuking the planet would increase cooperating between people, but some weirdo I know still argues for it.
Another example is trans-anarcho-capitalists. Does it make any sense to be one if the gender-confirming surgeries cost several thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in places without good state based healthcare?
hint: no.
I'm just so pissed at all of this holy shit. I cannot put into words how much I hate all of this.
The worst part is mostly normal progressives/leftists who think that it's funny. No, shut up.
And why are they always queer minors? What about fascism is funny to a queer person? Even with the fascism being horrible part aside, why does anyone ever think that they could enforce a society where queer people are the default and hets are being discriminated and screwed over?
I hope they grow up, Jesus christ.
It seems that the online left, rather than putting in effort to actually change the shit parts of the system, people are arguing about the technicalities of exactly what post-civ ideas a society should abide by, or what the hypotheticals of a situation that will never happen.
Nobody gives a shit we aren't going back to monkey, we aren't nuking the earth, go outside just please go outside oh my god. Talk to human beings.
The death of the earth, commodification of everything, worker exploitation, and everything else isn't going to be solved by a bunch of edgy queer children on twitter. Please my god do something else, anything else.
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