All religious texts do not say the same things. Some are disproportionately more violent than others. All you have to do is a proper content analysis of the texts. And it is being done by many people. It is hilarious how followers of a "religion" always give these apologetics.
Religion A has mentions of violence. Religion B also has mentions of violence. But when you do a proper content analysis you can literally see what is the violence directed at, how many times is it mentioned and why is the violence sanctioned. These things matter.
Anyone who reads religious texts (multiple translations) will get this. You can literally count the number of violent verses (with a proper context) ane many other ethical and moral analysis. For eg are they misogynistic? Or do they actively promote othering? If yes what kind?
I find it hilarious that religious people keep spinning this yarn of religions don't preach bad things. They literally do. And different religions preach different things. And yes some are far far worst than others. Why is this so hard to believe?
For eg. Jainism and Islam don't preach the same thing. Jainism is absolutely pacifist. It literally preaches absolute non violence. Islam on the other hand does not. How can these two religions be the same? They are fundamentally different in this fundamental point.
But everytime we listen to this stupid, illogical and unintelligent apologia from different people that all religions preach peace. They don't!!! They literally don't!!! Just read the damn books.
Religious analysis is at a multi variate level. It involves many parameters and it can be done and it is being done by many people. Basically religious people don't follow their religions literally (thankfully) & often confuse their individual moral compass for their religions.
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