Diversity vs Multiculturalism

Diversity works. It can enrich a country’s culture.

Multiculturalism doesn’t work. If you want a cohesive society, then diverse cultures have to fit in with the core values on which a country was built.
Religion is no bar to integration. People of all religions are successfully integrated into British society. They are open minded, moderate, tolerant, and respectful of the views of others.
Skin colour is no barrier to integration. The UK is one of the most tolerant and welcoming countries in the world.

Most people who come to the UK appreciate all that it has to offer, and usually far more so than those of us who were born here and take it for granted.
What is a barrier to integration is the unwillingness to accept others, particularly because of religious or cultural differences.

A failure to reconcile those differences is, in effect, a failure of multiculturalism - irrespective of who is to blame for it.
It all boils down to knowing the end position. The UK has a wonderful mix of colours and flavours, but we seem to have lost the recipe.

We need to pause and think about where it is we’re going as a society.
To know where we’re headed, we need to be able to have open and honest conversations, without fear of being accused of one “ism” or another.

We need democratic decisions as to where we want to be - and we need to stand by those decisions.
This is a time where our leaders need to be fearless.

We’re on a runaway train. A driver is nowhere to be found.

We need to shelve the virtue signalling and have courageous and open conversations.

We dont have long to go before we’re in serious danger of derailing.
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