Did religion kill Jesus?
Religion mixed with politicians?
Religion + politicians + empire?

When something meant for the fringes gets fixated on power, money, and control then innocent people will pay.

With their lives.
Their futures.
Their legacy.

This is not ok.
When the system decides to preserve rather than serve then something is off when held in contrast to the way of Jesus.

Serve > Preserve
Protecting others > Protecting position
Love > Fear
Empower & Release > scarcity & control

As I keep reading and rereading the gospels...
I see Jesus.
The way of Jesus.

What he said.
What he stood for.
What he invites us into.
What he believes is possible.

For us.
For others.

As long as we keep the remain thing the main thing.

May character matter.
May integrity win.
May we bear good fruit.

For Today & beyond.
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