Conversations with my Co-Worker Friends

Her: Oh chickas, I'm bringing in treats tomorrow for Halloween.

Me: Why is it chickas...why are we chickens...

Her: I's meant chicas.

Her: Girls

Her: Ladies

Her: Women
Me: My question still stands. I've always wondered why it sounds like chickens.

Me: Is it the egg thing?

Her: Lol

Me: Why aren't men roosters?

Her 2: isn't is just a term of Spanish Origin?

Her 2: Chicano/chiana?

Her: Yess lol

Her 2: Not chickens lmaoo
Me: Yes but my head is cotton and my brain to mouth filter is not working.

Me: shhhh I've always wondered this

Me: everytime I heard "hello chicas" I heard in my head "hello chickens"

Her: Lol

Her 2: Lol

(This is my brain when sick apparently)
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