hot take: stan twt should be more sympathetic/empathetic towards stans when their fav is called out for doing something problematic bc it is very difficult to accept that your comfort person who you’ve become attached to is problematic. /nbh
even if they are an awful person, it’s still hard to get your head around the fact that they are. it doesn’t make you a bad person for finding it hard to accept that your fav is problematic, because we’re talking about one’s emotional support idol, so ofc ppl will be in denial
that’s just how some people who’ve become attached to an idol can be. those who haven’t had their idol called out for something problematic, try to empathise first and think, if you were in that position, you’d find it hard to accept that your idol is problematic, right?
theres a difference when ur flat out supporting/defending their actions, but before rushing into saying “IF U STAN ... BLOCK ME” type things, bear in mind that stans dedicate so much to their idols before finding out they’re awful people! so of course its hard for them to let go
also i dont wanna bring mental illness into this since this point is very niche, but it’s also relevant; neurodivergent people can form hyperfixations and get very attached and seek comfort in certain people!
it does not make us bad people if the person who is our hyperfixation is problematic!! a lot of us find security in specific people/things we’ve become attached to and (may i repeat) it!! is!! difficult!! to!! give!! hyperfixations!! up!!
neurotypical people need to understand that a lot of neurodivergent people use their hyperfixations as coping mechanisms. they also need to know that we find security in familiarity so it is quite a drastic change to just give up something
as i said, it’s completely different when you’re just defending and supporting someone. this is just a thought i had so it is not directed, and i’m not imposing this on anyone, it’s just something i think everyone should consider
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