Think we don't have a serious problem w censorship in America?

Here's what it's like to write a book that takes the entirely common sense view - supported by dozens of experts & most Americans - that gender transition among teen girls is risky & should only proceed w caution. 1/
Amazon blocked my publisher from sponsoring ads for my book, while allowing ads for books that pushed the contrary view -- that is, books that argue that gender transition for teens is without serious risk. /2
Joe Rogan had me on his show. Spotify has now held 10 meetings w employees to debate whether to pull the episode--about a *book* that presents the mainstream idea that all this gender transition for teens is too much, too fast with too little oversight. /4
Sean Scott, member of the National Association of Science Writers @ScienceWriters online forum, heard about my book and mentioned it on the forum. For this, he was expelled from the online forum. I have the emails. Many of the NASW members were quietly horrified. /5
Encouraged that they managed one billboard, parents started a Gofundme to pay for more billboards, across the country. Gofundme -- which allows numberless teens to raise money for gender surgeries -- immediately shut the parents' account down: /7
Commonsense debate is being strangled by a woke orthodoxy. My book contains not a word of hate. I explored a medical issue and offered a considered view. How many other issues will you never hear about? How many journalists have already abandoned the pursuit of truth? /e
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