This just came out: my coverage of the CNDH Okupa with photog Victoria Razo. It's been an intense month of witnessing internal & external disputes, state violence AND, most recently, the statement that the Okupa is now a trans*exclusionary space. (THREAD)
I felt a lot of conflict about continuing to cover this, particularly after early ruptures that hurt some people I care about a lot. As a journalist covering social movements, I see this kind of conflict alll the time. ALL THE TIME. It almost never makes it into the story.
I decided to do this story, though, to provide an alternative to the narratives that either 1) idealize & glorify the occupiers as the representatives of Mexico's feminist movement, or 2) dismiss them as having a paid ulterior agenda.
Especially because of how publicly the conflicts played out—and because of the deep significance the Okupa, as a symbol, has had for many people—I felt it was necessary to examine those ruptures in my work.
A constant challenge in covering social movements is romanticizing & idealizing them. I usually cover movements with which I have some affinity; they give me hope; they move something in me. So it's easy to get carried away by portraying them as heroes or saints or martyrs.
And they aren't. Or they are, in the sense that we all fight with courage & love at times. And we also make mistakes & hurt people & act from petty, selfish instincts.

THAT SAID. Transphobia is NOT "a mistake." Hate speech is NOT "a mistake." It is violence.
(I feel 1000% comfortable saying that as a journalist. To affirm the dignity of trans* people is NOT to take an ideological line.

If that bothers you, would you feel uncomfortable with a journalist saying that racism is violence? Think about it please.)
The CNDH Okupa briefly united feminists, victims of human rights violations, survivors of sexual violence & many more. It's since been the site of many ruptures & even hate speech. It remains a powerful symbol. I ask: a symbol of what?
This was one of my biggest challenges ever as a journalist.

I hope I have written critically & fairly, for everyone who saw themselves in this movement, for everyone who it inspired, for everyone it hurt, for everyone who it targeted with its hate speech.
I have very strong feelings about it, and I won't pretend that I don't. I believe in fairness, not objectivity; often the best we can do is to listen critically both to our voices & to the voices of others.
And if anyone wants to talk with me about this story, my DMs are open. No transphobia tho. If you read this far, thank you, I love you 💖
(I will try to rewrite this thread in Spanish later ah this was so long I need to shower thanks for reading I love you)
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