Pros and cons of going face out? Cons I've considered: facial recognition, issues crossing borders, family's reactions, content being up on the web forever, some career paths will become impossible/very difficult. Pros: being able to create significantly better content(!) 1/5
I feel like the blur is holding me back, and I am getting quite frustrated to be honest. I'm a creative person with lots of ideas, but when I always have to think about hiding my face I feel like I can't express those properly. I've spent so many years of my life hiding ... 2/5
... my sex work, always worrying that people online would find out who I am and/or that those near me would find out what I do. But I just don't care what people think anymore. I just don't. And it feels GREAT. The fact that it took me this long to arrive at this point is ... 3/5
... perhaps not as great, but at least I'm finally at a safe and happy place in my life where I am confident enough to want to do this. But I also don't want to make any rash decisions... I could use some advice. So if you have any experience about this and wouldn't mind ... 4/5
... sharing, I would really appreciate it. Comments and DM's both very welcome. Thank you ❤️ 5/5

Ps. I'm by no means saying that blurred face content is "less good", just that I am stuck in a creative rut and personally feel that content w/ my face in it captures me better x
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