I’ve noticed something similar in many Earth signs I’ve spoken to and it’s this lack of understanding people who are more emotionally comfortable or vocal than them and them misinterpreting being vocal as being emotional/caring more than you do.
You can literally say “I didn’t like the action you did the other day.” as a fire/air sign and mean absolutely nothing dramatic from it, it’s just an observation and there is little to no emotion involved in how you feel. Masculine energy is external, so it often may enjoy
Simply speaking on how it feels but the Earth will look at it like you’re hurt, you’re angry, you’re frustrated, you want to argue. The earth sign places more emotion in it than you and that’s because Earth sign has feminine energy which is extremely internal and for an Earth to
Discuss something, it has to have REAALLLLLLY bothered them, they’re not the types to speak on things at all. They’re more the ignore it and walk away type. So they place the way they handle things and their thought process on others, especially those who are more communicative &
Turn something very small into something huge because they assume that for you to want to speak about it, it has got to be huge to you.
I get the same complains from more masculine dominant energies about this. Especially masculine mercury signs. Feminine mercury signs will often
Prefer to not communicate and find communication as a sign that something has made you emotional or you care. Masculine mercury can talk about something and give 0 shits. They just enjoy letting it out rather than it sitting inside them all passively.
I’ve noticed it in water signs too! A water sign will think you’re mad at them because you’re calling them out on something and suddenly get defensive/emotional meanwhile it actually meant absolutely nothing deep to you and a small convo would’ve cleared everything up.
It’s actually so hard as a fire dominant to talk to Water/Earth about anything. Literally have to expect an argument, super emotional behaviour or major defensiveness and shutting out!
It’s like “hello, are there any adults in the building and may they please come out?”
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