I am lucky.
I have a job.
I have a secure household income.
I have a house with space and a garden.
I go to work and see people because my job is F2F patient care.
I managed a break in the sun this summer.
My whole household had covid and were ok. Ongoing stuff aside. (/1)
I read and understand as much as I can about the science because my job means I can.

All of this means I am lucky.

BUT my god I am finding this absolutely soul destroying. Every day is a Groundhog Day and arguing amongst professionals and misery on social media (/2)
I get up many days thinking that I will do the best for the kids (which I am lucky to have the income to do) and do my job to the best of my ability and influence for good where I can

This is a massively privileged position.

There are millions who are living the opposite (/3)
Economic insecurity,
facing unemployment,
difficulty accessing healthcare,
Food poverty
Separation from loved ones
Ever worsening mental and physical health due to some of all of the above (/4)
We need a plan.

The govt are distracted by the illusion of brexit being unmasked and paralysed by ineptitude.

I see people, scared people, calling for locking things down more everywhere and harder, belittling those who don’t agree.

The divisions are huge and growing
But lockdown is only temporary, perhaps to make capacity in NHS, but unless it has a plan swiftly implemented during it, to change things after, it is just a delaying tactic.

And lockdown + end of furlough + brexit = massive economic and health probs (/6)
And where does conspiracy theory and alternative pandemic management theory come from?

Sometimes political motives sure, but sometimes from desperate people who are seeing harm or feeling harm or being harmed, desperate for some control or a comforting narrative. (/7)
And dismissing and ridiculing it because we don’t agree, doesn’t make people change their minds, unless you understand why they are saying it.

Like talking to some people who are anti vax, find out why and sometimes you then understand it.

Shaming never changes minds (/8)
We had a chance to control this in feb and poss July.
Those in charge, didn’t act upon it.

So we are where we are. And yes, it’s scary.

We need a plan and we need less shaming and more understanding or we will cause science and medicine more harm than ever (/9)
I have v diff conversations about covid IRL with all sorts of people than I see represented on here.

There are many views.

But I try to remember that I am lucky and not shame others views without attempting to understand their viewpoint. (/10)
Natural history museum visit the other day gave me sense of perspective

This too shall pass.

It’s a global pandemic, it’s awful, harm will happen despite all best efforts.

But we need something to come out to at the other end & a plan that isn’t unending lockdown (11/11)
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