THREAD: As requested, here's my slides on 'Covid-19 & Young Disabled People', from my talk with @Aberdeen_Youth! ♿️

It was a very interesting discussion, w/ topics such as the #SunflowerLanyard & the unique experience of rural disabled young people

Thanks again for inviting me!
1) Quick Facts about Disability.

To provide some context to the disabled community in Scotland pre-Covid.🧑🏻‍🦽🧏🏽‍♀️

Not all disabled people prefer IFL, so always consider personal preferences, but the vast majority of us view our neurology/disability as an integral part of ourselves!
2) Everyone has found Covid-19 tough; I don't mean to undermine the struggles others have faced 💛

However, disabled young people have faced unique challenges, due to the multiple layers of oppression and stigma that they face. 😔

Let's talk about some of those issues!
3) Shielding

The advice has been to keep 2m apart. But, how can you distance from guides or caregivers? 🤷🏻

Shielding has also caused concerns in getting food - online shopping fails to prioritise us correctly. 🛒

Research by @InclusionScot linked at the end of this thread! 🔍
4) Education

Since the #SQAExamResults fiasco, education has slipped off the media radar.

Disabled young people are concerned their situation will not be taken into account w/ 2021 exams, e.g. students who may have to stop attending in-person classes due to autoimmune diseases.
5) Jobs and Employment

There is already an employment gap between disabled & non-disabled adults. Sadly, this may have widened further since Covid-19. 📈

There are schemes to help disabled people into employment, but very few are suitable to young people still in education! 🏫
6) But, it's not all been doom & gloom!

I had to shout-out @TheStayingInn, which has given disabled folks a new, fully-accessible support network during lockdown. 🙌🏻

After Covid-19, social isolation won't end for many of us, so it would be great to see these projects continue.
7) What you can do to help 💛

The best way you can be an ally, is to be just that - an advocate alongside us, not speaking over us.

Organise meetings, protests, campaigns, but always do so with the FULL involvement of disabled folks. ✊🏻

Here's an example of a list of demands:

Whether you're disabled or not, it's so important to reach out if you're struggling during Covid-19.

Look out for the young people in your life right now.

Here's some websites and apps compiled by @seemescotland that may help:
END: Further links & info

The stats I used in this thread are from the @InclusionScot survey on Covid-19:

Check them out, and @TheStayingInn, and more below!

I hope this thread both educated and inspired a little 💛
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