In 2009, Roberts and the GOP overturned precedent in Citizens m United which allowed them have advantages in elections

The republicans gutted the voting rights act after the 2012 election

In 2016, the Republican candidate literally worked with Russia to steal an election
This doesn’t even mention all the relentless gerrymandering meant to silence minority votes

Now, facing almost certain defeat and high turnout, more than 20 states have passed laws meant to limit votes with a hard election day cutoff for receiving ballots.
These laws are meant to keep turnout low because Trump knows higher turnout = a loss for him. SCOTUS just upheld a law like this in Wisconsin, with Kavenaugh endorsing a Bush v Gore argument that SCOTUS can overrule the way state courts interpret a state election law.
Which basically gives SCOTUS veto power over state courts on their own state’s election laws.

Kavenaugh (who was a litigant in Bush v Gore) ALSO argued that these laws make sense bc late votes could swing the election and make ppl suspect fraud (a literal argument from Trump)
So look. We know politics is a dirty game. Politicians lie, cheat, steal. Etc. politics isn’t about what people want. The only goal of politics is to win.

However, it’s not hyperbole to say the state of our democracy is at stake.
If Biden wins the election, Trump and SCOTUS *will* try to steal the election. Our democracy can only handle so much cheating and lying before it ceases to exist.

We can’t trust politicians to act in our best interest. The GOP doesn’t care about the people or the constitution.
They quite literally only care about staying in power. We must do our part, and our role is to vote and make sure the election doesn’t go to SCOTUS. We gotta win big.
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