I have some things to say about this whole gay characters in OL because certain points need to be made.

First and foremost, DG can not write a reliable gay male character. She believes she "understands them" but does not understand lesbians b/c she isnt one. In reality, she is
fetishizing and -more importantly VILIFYING- homosexuality to fit her own agenda. This is not queer representation, no queer person looks at LJG and goes "yep he's MY rep", he is the apologetic gay to make up for Jack Randall. John will never be happy pining over Jamie. He exists
to make up for BJR and that is it. Now BJR is the Big Bad in this series. No matter who else she introduces, BJR is the Ultimate Evil who tortured Jamie in every way for years, simply because he was attracted to him. Nothing will ever erase DG making her villain homosexuality.
But now we're here, with nice and sweet LJG who loves Jamie endlessly, and yes, Jamie is a straight character while John is """Gay""" (please see Echo for reasons John is not gay, but pan/bi/queer - no gay man will ever willingly fuck you, Diana)

But you see, I don't respect
DG's presentation of queerness in her novels. It is evil and horrid, or it is tender and unrequited. As a queer person, seeking the level of love Jamie and Claire have for each other in a queer relationship feels impossible when narratives are written the way DG writes them.
So I genuinely believe if someone OTHER than DG had written these books, if gayness WASN'T the villain for years, then yes, the audience would assume that John and Jamie were more than friends. But b/c she traumatized her lead, we're somehow unable to consider that Jamie can grow
and feel things for John after he processes his trauma and learns that not all gay men are evil.

In conclusion, the only reason JamieJohn isn't remotely canon - while somehow JohnClaire is - is because DG is a homophobe who doesn't understand gayness, and seeing the potential
in her story is not delusional, it's understanding WHY they were written this way, and deciding to look past the author's shortcomings to find something better than the absolute garbage she offers in her gay characters.

you don't have to ship it, but you're not wrong if you do.
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