There's a bit of a discrepancy here.

The FOP says this child was “lost” and “wondering around barefoot” in Philly.

But the Inquirer included photos of the pair (since removed) in a story about cops smashing windows, beating a driver, and seizing a kid.
“Was there kids in there? Somebody just hopped out with a baby!”
It certainly seems like the FOP is serving up a particularly awful piece of propaganda that suggests this child’s parent/guardian left him wondering around the streets, when it seems like he was forcibly ripped from them.

Hoping the @PhillyInquirer can clear this one up.
The comments on that FOP Facebook post are just as awful as you’d imagine.
Can now say definitively that this post is a lie. This child wasn’t “wandering around barefoot,” he was grabbed from the back of an SUV after Philly cops smashed the vehicle’s windows and seized the driver.
. @GLFOP has now deleted their propaganda posts on Facebook and Twitter, but offered a tremendously valuable lesson in why you always need to treat initial police narratives with intense skepticism.
Anyway, if you don’t want authorities to get away with this type of thing in the future, subscribe to @PhillyInquirer. 
Others could speak to the racial stereotypes at play here much more eloquently than I. But it is worth thinking about how many law enforcement types were willing to just accepted the core premise: that a Black parent would simply abandon their toddler on the street amid violence.
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