Tested positive for COVID-19. Wow. Got tested Wednesday the 21st and got a negative back Friday the 23rd. Felt symptoms of what I thought was a sinus infection starting 24, got a test on 27 and got a positive today. That means my first test was a false negative.
I’m okay. No severe symptoms, thank God. Smell and taste still gone. Just very sad now my whole family has to be get tested. We were responsible, and took all the precautions we could. If you don’t believe this shit is airborne, this is your reminder that it is. My aunt got it
from my cousin who got it from school, except he immediately quarantined and she only went near his room to give him food and meds. She didn’t sit in his space, didn’t spend time with him, it was a leave food at his door and open the door to check in on him thing. But she still
got it. We did dinner together every night, so as soon as she found out he was positive, although none of us had seen him, we stopped doing dinner together. I must have contracted it nearly two weeks ago at this point and had late symptoms.
Either way, I’m staying indoors. Even if you get a negative, monitor your symptoms religiously. I’m glad I went back and got tested at the first sign of symptoms. This too shall pass. Be careful friends. Keep your masks ok. Wash your hands religiously.
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