"She is a fake feminist"
"She is playing woman card" Shedding tears when you are insulted, but still standing up for your self respect is not playing"woman card".It is disheartening to see how quickly a woman is accused of playing "woman card" without any thought being given
2 people who had a history of working together had some terrible fights, but they moved on. Don't like to talk about this as it's like opening a Pandora's box of bitter memories,but I think it is necessary to speak about this.
Please don't lose your sense of right and wrong (2)
Q: Has she said that she has the license to say whatever comes to her mind and it is justified as she is a woman ?

Ans: No, because she is not a pseudo feminist. She has apologized for the harsh words she said in a fit of rage. (3)
I am sure there are women who have double standards, but don't include Rash among them as it makes no sense. She was even concerned about Bhau's image that he should not appear wrong during the game and tried to clear the situation. She has never taken advantage of her gender.(4)
If the things that were said to her, were said to someone else, I am sure the same people who are continuously accusing her of playing "woman card" and comparing her to some other contestant playing this season, would have even a worse reaction. (5)
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