nyt opinion have a very normal and diverse one today.
Frank Bruni is 56. He is old enough to have lived through Abscam, Iran-Contra, Waco, Clinton perjuring himself, the War on Terror, Fannie/Freddie, the VA scandal, NSA spying, unaccountable drone war, etc.

but it wasn’t until this admin that bruni “lost” a “kind of innocence”?
oh, God. the entire NYT opinion section is doing a bit.
imagine being a grown adult with knowledge of/experience living through Kennedy and civil rights assassinations, Vietnam, RICHARD NIXON, '68 DNC, Abscam, Waco, fed-assisted financial crisis, drone wars, NSA, etc. and *just now* you're like, “i have lost my political innocence."
have to imagine the 1619 berserkers at the NYT are like “what do you mean America JUST NOW lost its innocence and generosity?!"
nyt news staff probably preparing another lifeboat to cast another opinion editor out to sea.
i know we use the word privilege a lot, but it really is the height of privilege to know what we know about U.S. history and assert that the past four years have been the darkest and most damaging. like children who’ve been told “no” for the first time.
that’s the thing about trump’s 2016 victory. it wasn’t just a political win. it was a repudiation of an entire worldview. these people have been trying ever since to cope however they can. these ahistorical lamentations are just the latest in a running four-year therapy session.
being reduced to a sputtering shell-shocked mess is how you get the spectacle of someone in his 50s or 60s — who has lived through Vietnam, Nixon, and the forever wars — asserting with deluded confidence that 2017-2020 were the years America lost its “innocence” and “persuasion."
“we’ve lost our naivety,” lamented the man who apparently has never heard of Antietam.
“truly, these are our darkest days,” i say between spoonfuls of applesauce, just totally, completely, blissfully unaware of the American Civil War.
literal war criminal Henry Kissinger is still feted and celebrated by elite society. but it's the rude shit-talker from Queens, whose administration brokered peace deals in the Middle East, who ruined everything, according to very serious people who are definitely not broken.
the 2016 Democratic candidate for president bragged that she had the backing of the architect of America's illegal bombing campaign in Cambodia. and none of these NYT opinion mooks batted an eyelash.
look, kissinger quietly torpedoing Vietnam peace talks to influence a U.S. presidential election is bad, sure, but have you considered how dangerous bad tweets are?
all i’ve asked these past four years is for just an ounce of perspective. but some of these people just refuse. primal therapy is apparently more alluring than taking a deep breath.
in conclusion: BOOOOoooooooooo.
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