Politics impact ppl’s lives. City govts that don’t fund equitably, upkeep streets/roads/beautification in our communities, & lower prop values lead to less $ for those schools & fewer resources—>lower quality education—> lower income potential etc.

Gentrification fixes nothing. https://twitter.com/emporiumceo/status/1321463221652459527
I would love for people to understand how cause-and-effect truly works. You think gentrification solves everything because you don’t understand where the issues truly lie.
Wealthy communities are not responsible for the beautification and upkeep of their own communities. They have city workers that come and take care of that. Why do y’all keep saying poor communities are responsible for their own community cleanup?
Citizens don’t make sidewalks. Citizens don’t upkeep streets. Citizens don’t create the city/state budgets. Citizens don’t set their own property values. Citizens don’t run public schools. The municipal and state governments do.
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