
The tweets by @BrankoMilan on the degrowth illusion among Western activists inspired me to write this very personal thread.

As a person born after the dissolution of the USSR, I know that we lived under a real-life degrowth experiment aka collapse.

To me degrowth is:my grandpa, one of the main people responsible for the cultivation of essential oil plants in Soviet Moldova, saw the institute where he worked crumble & was rehired there afterwards as a night guard. It wasn't uncommon for him to be paid in... DETERGENTS!

To me degrowth is: my another grandpa, who got a severe leg injury after a pipe fell on it at the water treatment plant where he worked, which caused my dad,just back from military service, to go immediately to work instead of uni. The plant where he went to went bust in '92.

To me degrowth is: my dad, who was able to see me for the first time when I was one year old, because he had to toil in Israel for us back home to live because there was no work. Who will give him that year back, dear degrowth advocates?

To me degrowth is: my mum, who had to keep teaching English in the hospital park on a bench while pregnant in her ninth month, because monthly maternal allowance was worth one pack of Pampers.

I've got a life-long vaccine against the lure of degrowth. Remember that as much as growth is distributed unevenly, so will degrowth. The most vulnerable will be again the ones to suffer.

P.S. I would like to thank everyone who engaged (and will engage) in the discussion under this thread. It is pleasure to debate with you in a respectful way. Let's remember that ultimately we all want the same outcomes from future economy and society.
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