The definitive list of the 5 worst Halloween "treats" of all time. I could easily push this to 10 or 15.

Who's ready for a thread? (really just always wanted to say that, I know nobody is really ready for a thread, ever)

5. Smarties

They should be called "Dummies," because that's what we were for choosing to eat them over any other available candy. Their best use case is a candy fight, throwing them at unsuspecting kids in the dark. They taste like flavored chalk and are trash.
4. Double Bubble

If you like chewing on flavorless rubber, this is the "treat" for you. After 2 minutes they lose flavor, after 5 they harden like cement and you need 5 pieces to blow a single bubble. Calling this gum is a scam and should be outlawed in the first world.
3. Apples, Raisins, Homemade Goods

Seriously, grandma, WTF? Nobody wants an apple, a box of dried up grapes or the cookies you made last month loosely wrapped in Saran Warp. Give me candy or give me death, this is America.
2. Mounds/Almond Joy

Coconuts are for fruity drinks and marathon running chads. Literally nobody on the planet wants a perfectly good piece of chocolate ruined by a coconut. I feel like the person who made these was a gigatroll, laughing all the way to the bank.
1. Necco Wafers

If smarties taste like a piece of chalk, then these are the whole freaking box. Children have been punished with Neccos since Polk was in office. A worse 80s punishment then having your mouth washed out with soap. If you know you know.

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