I’m so out of touch with mlp community, but I’ve been wanting to commission *something* pony related and I’m looking for an artist that’s available for commishies for vector pony art which style resembles FiM’s original style 👉👈
Ok ok so.... I want to commish my otp as ponies (dumb, but unsurprising).... (*´ω`*)👉👈
If anyone out there knows or draws pony art that really looks like FiM style, open for comms and accept ponifying characters from other media, pls hit me in reply
People coming in to my replies have some good artworks but I’m looking for something like this specifically

I’m being very specific, so please do specify if you also paint mlp style :3
I think I’m gonna mute this thread because y’all are so nice but it seems that none of you understand what I’m looking for/read my tweets 😅 anyway thank you so much for the offers tho!
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