It is absolutely terrifying how many people in this country think France has somehow brought these Islamist extremists & their beheadings on themselves by refusing to condemn the Charlie Hebdo magazine cartoons of Mohamed. 1/
If you think people in western democracies should not do anything that might offend Islamist extremists, please answer these questions:

When the Islamist extremists start demanding we execute people who want to leave the religion of Islam, what are you going to do then? 2/
When the Islamist extremists start demanding we imprison gay people, what are you going to do then?

When the Islamist extremists start killing their daughters who want to marry a man of a different or no faith, what are you going to do then? 3/
When the Islamist extremists start beating women with sticks who refuse to cover their heads or faces in public, what are you going to do then?

Just because someone is offended by something, that doesn't ever justify them killing innocent people. 4/
You will never appease extremists.

Western democracies are based on fundamental values underpinned by the right to free speech - including the right to mock religion & religious figures.

We must defend that right at all time, even when the extremists threaten violence. 5/
Indeed, it is precisely when the Islamist extremists threaten us with violence that it is most important for us to defend the right to free speech and refuse to be terrorised into giving up our basic rights and values.

#IstandwithCharlieHebdo today, tomorrow and forever more. 6/
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