To my eyes it’s a sensible report - looking at the whole system and looking forward to solutions. They’ve broken down into people... 2/n
Equipment - ventilation, PPE, technology 3/...
Task: testing and cleaning. Real challenges across the board here. 4/...
Environment: buildings, layout, staff areas. 5/...
Organisation: management, learning and monitoring 6/...
I think a key thing for this is to look at the whole being greater than the sum of the parts. No one thing is going to be a panacea. But not doing some will undermine effectiveness of others. 7/...
There is acknowledgment by @hsib_org that recommendations are slightly undefined on time, so need to watch out for slow progress. 8/...
Also the need for adequate resourcing of recommendations (at all levels) is left untouched. The fatigue and weariness of staff is highlighted so I hope this doesn’t translate to more burden. 9/...
And finally, did anyone at @hsib_org check the back cover? Not sure many recommendations being complied with here😂 10/10
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