There's a Canadian gender critical guy, Chris Elston, who has styled himself as "Billboard Chris," and made it his misson to get the "I love JK Rowling" message out, and if he turns out to be a Sasha Baron Cohen Type pretending to be a GC man, I'd believe it. Get this...1/
- In late Sept, he starts a 10k fundraiser to put up an "I love JK Rowling" billboard in Vancouver. He raises 11k in 7 days from the GC movement.
- Billboard goes up, is vandalised, and officially taken down in a day
- On Twitter he attributes this "success" to being a man...
- He gets an "I Love JK Rowling" sandwich board made, to take his message to the streets!...which means harassing Nicola Spurling, a trans woman Green Party candidate, and her supporters.
- This leads to NS's rivals in the election showing up at her next event to support her. 2/
- He decides to go and spread the "I love JK Rowling" message at a local protest to support the indigenous fishing community. Yeah, huh?!
- At this event, he is arrested, charged with being an eejit (disturbing the peace), and has his sandwich board confiscated by the police. 3/
- No bother, he'll just get a new sandwich board made, and be back out in no time. He loves JK Rowling, the people must know!
- Small problem, he's made enough of a stir that the local print companies will not work with him anymore...
- Nevermind, with his freshly-minted martyr status, he starts a new "I love JK Rowling" billboard fundraiser to raise 10k to put up another billboard (maybe for 2 days this time?)
- This does not go well... 4/
- As an aside, GC leader, Meghan Murphy appoints herself as JK Rowling's spokesperson and says that Chris was bad news from the "getgo."
- Curiously, she didn't say this at the getgo, when he was fundraising, or warn GC leader, Posie Parker, not to have him on her show? 5/
- Undeterred by a lack of mandate or financial support, Chris suddenly announces that he is off to Ottawa for five days to speak to the government and get the "I Love JK Rowling" message out.
- He may have some donors, but be needs money. He definitely needs money, fast...6/
- He does not get that money 7/
- As anyone who has ever run a Gofundme knows, you can't just fundraise for an "I Love JK Rowling" billboard and then suddenly announce that the money is going to pay for a mattress (*wink*) or an all-expense paid 5-day trip to Ottawa. His failing fundraiser is "nuked." 8/
- Of course, the nuking of the fundraiser will be spun as a "trans activist plot" to deny him that 400 quid, when, in fact, I was hoping he would get the cash, as I think having the "I love JK Rowling" misogynist, sandwich board guy officially represent the GC movement is just...
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