tw girl in red , d slur , lesbophobia

here’s a thread on why defending girl in red is very stupid and hypocritical.
girl in red is queer. she identifies as a queer woman. and she has stated that “lesbian” is her least favorite word. this is clearly not okay and don’t try to justify her by saying that lesbian has been used as a denigratory term because QUEER IS LITERALLY A SLUR.
it’s okay not to feel comfortable with the label “lesbian” but most of her fans are lesbians. imagine how bad they must’ve felt and how hurt they are now, too.
if she’s so uncomfortable with the label “lesbian” because it’s used as an insult by cishets, while identifying as queer (a slur), why did she say dyke. why is she comfortable with saying a slur she can’t claim because it’s for LESBIANS.
that’s what i have to say for now. bye.
just in case this was not clear
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