I spent two weeks in one of these "camps" when I came back. It was a four star hotel with full service, the staff were great, and the food was terrific. I mostly wrote, watched a lot of Star Trek, and went for walks. And I didn't get charged a cent. https://twitter.com/IngrahamAngle/status/1321497173926830082
Importantly, COVID doesn't exist in our community here anymore. Our lives are back to normal. Tomorrow I'm going to a live theatre show. Maybe I'll work in a cafe awhile. Truly, we live under the boot-heel of our centre-left government, must be why it got reelected in a landslide
But please, do educate me on how letting hundreds of thousands of people die and having half the country closed anyway is a better way to do things. I'll cry about it into a beer at one of the many bars open without restrictions near me
Anyway, @IngrahamAngle, I wish your country had a government that cared for its people as much as our government cares about us, I wish you gave a damn about other human beings or truth or anything really, and I can offer you some tips to improve your awful NZ accent if you want
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