How is #COVID19 transforming news organisations?

This is the question at the heart of ‘Changing newsrooms 2020’, a report authored by @fedecherubini @nicnewman & @rasmus_kleis and based on a survey of 136 executives

📱Read here
🧶Key findings in thread
2. The pandemic has made many newsrooms embrace remote working. How did it go?

🛠 55% of the executives surveyed say remote working made them more efficient
👩‍🎨 34% say it made them more creative
🙋‍♀️ Only 10% say it made it easier to build and maintain relationships
3. Despite these challenges, most of the executives surveyed don't want remote working to go away entirely after #COVID19 is over

🏢 Up to 75% want to go back to the office less often
🖥 48% of the people in our sample say their companies are planning to reduce office space
4. Most of the executives in our sample say their organisations are doing a good job regarding gender diversity.

🙋🏿‍♀️ However, only 40-45% say they are equally successful in terms of political and ethnic diversity, and including people from less advantaged background
5. What do newsrooms do to increase diversity?

📊 Most of our respondents say that their outlet collects diversity data about staff (64%) and leadership (54%)
📉 46% say they have someone formally in charge of diversity
💰 However, only 36% have a budget to promote it
6. What will be the biggest diversity priority for our respondents in the year ahead?

Ethnic diversity will be the biggest priority for most of them

➡️ More details here:
7. How do our respondents think their organisations are doing diversity-wise at different levels?

🤔 Look at the figures in this chart:

-84% say they are doing a good job at junior level
-59% say that at mid level
-Only 37% say that at senior level
8. Attracting talent is still a challenge for many of the executives in our survey

🖥 Less than a quarter of our respondents say they are confident about recruiting and keeping product (23%), data (21%), and technical (18%) talent
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