Every Jay Leno story I've ever heard involves Jay being an enormous prick, for comparison.
BUT...I don't like shitty stories. And in fact when one of my besties told me her personal 'Jay Leno is the biggest fucking asshole you could ever imagine'

I DEFENDED HIM. I was like, look you had ONE interaction. ONE. YOU know HIM but for him that was just a day.
And I can think of MANY days I wouldn't want people judging my entire being upon, you know?

I cut people a lot of slack on most shit, and I think we all should.

But newp. All the stories I've heard were 'What a dick'.

But those are not fun stories to share.
I mean, I like VENTING about what an enormous asshole I just had to deal with...Bob the asshat rando at the store...or whatever.

But that other shit? I think just saying 'I've never heard a good word' when that's true. Or 'I've heard SOME bad things' is enough. For me I mean.
I love hearing it from others, like my friend.

But I'd rather share the...well often boring stories, but GOOD stories about people who were just nice when they didn't have to be, when it meant a lot to others. Or who do good things out of the spotlight.

PS: As a result of this thread I have heard my first positive story about Jay Leno (being nice to a young fan). :)

But I shit you not when I say, that's the first. And I'm SURE he's had many and ofc he has friends...but, it's not a secret he's a dick.

Still glad to hear it!
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