The disinformation and wedge politics development everyone was expecting.

If everyone can please remember;

-disinformation works by packaging hate and lies with a few truths.
-eco-fascism works by damaging environmental movements AND infiltrating them
IOW, you can't beat eco-fascism by either;

-dumping on environmentalism or green politics generally.
-getting defensive that environmentalists or green parties are "good", unlike those right wing, mine loving racist parties
You also can't really beat disinformation by either;

-denying the few truths they couch the hate in are true
-being so afraid of boosting the disinformation, that you fail to define your own values in anti-fascist ways

See the ALP failing on Hansonism in mining electorates.
I picked these screen caps out of a argument which so many examples, because;

-you can see the truth in the eco-fascist one
-you can see the ongoing weak point in the Greens one that wants to drop the population policy.
Am not defending the population policy, btw.

They should drop it.

But eco-fascists will keep pushing anyway.

Even if you purge the entire Oz environmental landscape of any whiteness or undemocratic sentiment, ALP and Greens infighting is like gold to fascists.
The worst people in the ALP and Greens like to claim their party is best on EVERY SINGLE left or progressive issue.

Then they just in-fight or blame pass, when conflicting interests emerge in the wide range of left and progressive voters.
Big Australia Labor vs Population Conservationist Green hits on all the things they like to argue about most!

If you don't get this, some of the most vocal Big Australia stans in the ALP and Greens, are very silent on the fact that growth is being done in a very neoliberal way.
Growth needn't be done like a Ponzi scheme, with massive exploitation of migrants, neglect of infrastructure and total denial of the fact that our ecosystem is so severely neglected it really is creating massive problems with providing water, or housing that isn't in fire zones.
But it has been.

It has been since Hanson, for very neo-liberal reasons.

And very few people on the centre to left have said anything.

It either didn't affect them, or they were afraid of raising ANY criticism of how we do growth, because of Hanson.
Similarly, environmentalism needn't be done as white, population obsessed conservationism.

A lot of environmentalism in Australia isn't like that.

Not even in the Greens. Brown was, but Brown has quit.
But it has been done that way and led that way for decades.

The other environmentalisms are led by people the Murdoch press doesn't love: Aboriginal people, climate scientists, regional or poor people, youth and seniors.

Lots of people, few big visible blocs covered by MSM.
Instead we have people STILL talking about Bob Brown or the Green Bans or Dick Smith.

All white guy leaders who started so long ago, being gay was illegal and most people weren't sure if climate change was real.

And the union guy is dead.
IOW please learn from prior disinformation campaigns.

Respond with anti-fascism AND better environmentalism.

Stronger commitments, more representative leaders, more colinizers committing to work through problems.

Don't just in-fight and send their bad takes viral.
This thread was for settlers/colinizers.

There absolutely are people in all our parties, factions, demographics who fall for this stuff.

We vastly outnumber First Nations people.

We can't expect them to carry this.
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