DHS Sec. Wolf told CBS, @camiloreports that of 3300 separated families he can’t think of 1 who wanted child back. Here’s the truth in this thread:
1. MORE than 3300 kids have been separated by Trump admin; actually 5400-5500.
2. Contrary to Wolf stmt, MANY families did ask for their kids to return home and we got them reunited thru @aclu lawsuit.
3. we still haven’t found parents of over 500 kids so we can’t possibly know what those 500 plus parents want.
4. Finally, in cases where a parent chose to leave their kid in the U.S., it was of course not because they didn’t care about their kids, as the Trump admin seems to be implying.
It was because this admin would not do the humane thing and let them rejoin their children in the U.S., but instead forced them into the unbearable choice of remaining separated or bringing their child back to the very life threatening danger they fled.
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