thread on micro aggression:

(coming from a jew and with my experiences)

tw// most of these include anti-semitism
i have always been oblivious to micro aggression until a year or so ago. there are so many little things that have happened that just don’t sit right with me looking back on them.
my friends who were are severely uneducated have said that i’m not jewish bc i’m ashkenazi jewish (which is an ethnicity) and it made me feel so invalidated. i don’t think many people are educated on this and it’s really upsetting
i’ve had people i’ve never talked to say that they know i’m jewish bc of my nose, enforcing the stereotype. someone who i have literally never talked to once said behind my back to my friends that they hate me bc i’m jewish and everyone just laughed
today i was telling my friends about how jews are one of the most targeted minorities and they just said it’s not true bc i can hide it, furthering my point, i shouldn’t have to hide it!! i took a while to explain and my friends seemed to understand
but a few still don’t really grasp it/want to educate but don’t want to read about it. i just want to say that today i was literally listen to my mom talk abt how jewish women are constantly told they’re “too much”. i’ve had donald trump literally call my community greedy
enforcing another stereotype. i know other people face micro agression too and it’s so normalized bc it’s the little things that are looked over. people seem to think after ww2 anti-semitism went away and that is most definitely not the case.
my parents are scared to take me me to certain countries bc i’m jewish. being jewish isn’t something i want to have to hide. i love my religion and it can be scary sometimes. i know the things i’ve stated won’t be the last time i experience this but i just wanted to share
bc i’m tired of my stereotyped in shows and movies and in real life. i just wanted to spread some awareness. micro aggression is so normalized in our society towards multiple minorities. if you have ever felt targeted i just want to say you are loved and valid.
i don’t think i know much but i felt like i should help educate even if it’s just the few things i’ve experienced. i love you all and thank you for your kind words tonight <3
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