Becoming Full Stack Developer

A Thread Below, Complete Beginner Guide to Become Full Stack developer in 2020!

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#100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity
Before you jump into learning the skills, let’s get clear on what a full stack developer actually is.

Full-stack developers are developers who work with both the front and back end of a website or application.

They’re familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and one or more back end languages. Hence the term “full-stack”—they’ve got all the web development skills to build sites and apps from start to finish.

Front-end technology

Below are the most basic and Fundamental blocks of Full Stack!


- JavaScript


In HTML, the latest version is HTML5 and CSS3 is the current version in CSS. HTML5 and CSS3 lend a helping hand in styling the content along with the decoration part of the website.


When we talk about scripting languages, JavaScript tops the list due to its contribution to the addition of behaviors with HTML Its uniqueness lies in the deployment of this language execution over the native browser along with the usage over server

Front End Frameworks

- Angular JS
- React JS


It is among the open-source framework for web application to create RIA It is chosen for writing coding that is not restricted to any specific platform. Besides, it is good at handling JavaScript code suitable for browser individually

React JS

React is preferred due to the declarative and flexible nature. Learn ReactJS course that is used for speeding up the performance of any app with the help of DOM. This can be used as a framework over both the client and server-side.

Backend Technologies!

- Database
- Server Scripting Language
- Version Control
- Cloud

Database & Cache

It is vital for every Full Stack developer to have knowledge in Database and Cache. Some of the well-known databases deployed for this purpose are Oracle, MySQL, Amazon DynamoDB and the list continues. Redis, Varnish, and Memcached are famous caching mechanism
Version Control System

If the developer has enough knowledge of Git then it is extremely useful in understanding the process to fetch the current code along with updating the codes followed by modifying other’s codes.

Git, GitHub SourceTree

Git is nothing but an open-source repository based on the web that helps in the productive management of the variations made to the codes, documents, applications, and also some of the information related to the development of application.

Working with API HTTP & REST

REST API acts as a translator medium for Backend to know the Frontend. Hence, making it necessary for the developer to learn the difference along with its functionality.

Backend Programming language

- php
- python
- javascript


PHP aids the developers in the creation of dynamic content for the interaction with the database and mainly deployed for the development of software applications that are web-based.


Python is among the top programming languages used by organizations around the globe due to its simple syntax with huge frameworks namely Flask, Django, and many more.


Javascript is the most popular language, due to its flexible use on the Server and Client-Side, one can Aim to learn Javascript and become a Full Stack developer

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