A reminder that we all can improve. Also that asking questions of folks != an attack or coming after folks. Asking for accountability ain't coming for people with claws out. Learn to tell the difference.
It's mad exhausting to be seen as aggressive for existing. To be seen as threats or to be dismissed for asking for follow up. I say this after working in higher ed for almost 20 years, and having that narrative used against me.
Also, cancel culture isn't fucking real. Using the words you spoke or wrote? Isn't attacking you, it's just here did you not say this? Yes or no? That's all.
Some of y'all get super weird about your faves, like they can never do wrong or anyone not agreeing 100% is a hater or adversary to be taken down. Reminder your favs are human and fallible. Ain't no one perfect.
You wanna start with me over this thread? You can get rinsed or you can take it to your altar or whatever you do to find peace.
You can follow @cypheroftyr.
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