being an art kid sucks
like i cant practice/rehearse at all bc it’s either loud, messy, time consuming, or not to ppls’ liking and i’m like ok well ur giving me all this feedback wtf am i supposed to do with it if i can’t practice??
and also a lot of the feedback we get (at least in hs) is tailored to what our teacher says a piece is about and like that’s cool but also i would love a discussion where we talk about different interpretations to add depth to the piece? idk just a thought
also not to mention ppl don’t think there’s actually a career in this but we won’t talk ab that
but i’m “so talented” ok bro i don’t think so & would like to improve so give me room to do so? thanks jeez

lol did not intend to make this a rant but ty for listening :)
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