also, maybe not. idk. this thread was interesting. I think it got a lot of engagement because the first tweet was so polemical. but interesting discussions anyways.
part of me is worried to alienate marxist friends but also, what comes to mind is how frequently marxist friends just completely shit talk my deeply held values to my face, provide no argumentation to support it, and that's just a normal part of being a nonmarxist in left spheres
i can deal with the criticisms. I think we should actually hash it out. I'm certain an ecological strain of leftism with a lot of both anarchist and marxist assumption baked into it is the future. i have some ideological allergies but i don't want to be a dickbag in an unfair way
On an optimistic note, I think that in terms of organic movements, and serious political actors, Anarchism, Ecology, Marxism, and Neo-Social-Democracy are, generally speaking, sublating towards one another by the power of certain ideas being good and others being bad
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