while we wait for leaks

one like = one tdbk hc
1.) bakugou gets on his tippy toes and waits for todoroki to give him a kiss when he gets off work
2.) todoroki cannot cook for shit so bakugou tries to teach him but todoroki just gives up and lets bakugou do it
3.) tdbk being touch starved and bakugou only trusting todoroki because he caught him >>>>
4.) when bakugou gets made at todoroki todo just makes little ice cubes and throws them at him until he starts yelling so he can just hug bakugou and say he loves him
5.) this is a #2TOPFAMILY hc but still bakugou having their kid race dekus kid as soon as their old enough to start running 🥺
6.) they have cup phones going from each other’s balcony and have talked every night since bakugou got kidnapped because shoto is scared for him
7.) tw food

bakugou acts like he hates soba and pushes todoroki to expand his taste buds and it works for todoroki but they have soba every sunday and bakugou eats it as a comfort food
8.) their first kiss was an accident while training together and after bakugou blasted him he asked for another one when they were alone
9.) bakugou is a sucker for stories with cliff hangers but todoroki hates them but they both read to each other their favorite books
10.) this one is my favorite one like ever but they got matching ring tattoos a few years before they were ever engaged of married
11.) when todoroki cries bakugou doesn’t say anything he runs todo a bath with the little rubber ducky he likes
12.) todoroki reminds bakugou to wear his mouth guard at night even though bakugou hates it he does it because todoroki loves him and doesn’t want a boyfriend without teeth
13.) every few weeks they go to a flower meadow and talk through their issues and paint, some days they cry and kiss in the rain and some days they just stare at each other and paint (it’s like couples therapy without a pro therapist)
14.) bakugou being a morning person and todoroki being a night person >>> also bakugou is more like the responsible one and todoroki is a little bit less
15.) todoroki and bakugou kept their relationship a secret for a few weeks before everyone knew and when they talked about coming out to the class and agreed to it todoroki starts speaking and bakugou just cuts him off with a kiss and when he’s finished he just says “i love him”
16.) todoroki teaches bakugou about self care and helps him do face masks and stuff while they were becoming friends
17.) bakugou explaining his feelings to todoroki and todoroki being confused “i always knew you liked me! that’s why we’re good friends” and bakugou is like “but i want to be more than friends” and todoroki is like “best friends? but midor.-” and bakugou holds his hand blushing
18.) bakugou actually proposes twice 😳 once in the shower with a necklace and again officially on the hill where they had their first date
19.) todoroki put a rocking chair in their room to rock their child to sleep while watching bakugou sleeping only to cuddle up in bed with bakugou and the baby on his chest 🥺 (i’m so soft)
tw christmas / tw food
todoroki gets bakugou for secret santa and doesn’t know what to get him bakugou gets cocky and thinks he has the best present because it was the biggest box -hint hint he’s right- todoroki just pops out of the box with fruitcake
22.) while they’re becoming friends bakugou asks to use shotos mangas and todoroki accidentally hands him the wrong one which makes an awkward convo
bakugou has never let anyone meet his parents before (besides deku obvs) so they have dinner together and bakugou gets embarrassed because todo sees his baby pictures
nvm y’all want more
23.) bakugou buys todoroki special pomeranian socks for when he’s away
24.) bakugou hates ice skating until todoroki was bored one summer and made their living room an ice skating rink
25.) bakugou can’t sleep without a night light and todo nearby
26.) bakugou got tired of todoroki getting sick (going out with wet hair) so he bought him a shower cap and showed him how to use it properly
27.) they bury a time capsule with 1A and got to put in a note and an item todo put a book with a note saying “i think i’ll give this to bkg one day” and bkg put a teddy bear and a note saying “don’t you ever tell half and half you put that bear in there to give to him”
28.) bakugou insists on getting the kids up and making everyone breakfast because he knows shoto likes his sleep
29.) bakugou got them banned from doing missions together because he was angry and tried to ap shot todoroki because they were arguing over what to eat for dinner
30.) bakugou hates ferris wheels and only goes when todoroki is there the kids call him a baby because he screams and clings onto shoto like a cat whenever the cars rock back and fourth
tw food

31.) they had 3 weeding cakes, one for their guests one for their dog and one for todoroki and bakugou (two flavors because bakugou couldn’t decide)
fancam break
32.) bakugou was running late one day to hurry to the store and he accidentally grabbed todoroki’s from the dorm and he told todoroki he would keep it (not because he liked it he just liked todoroki’s cologne)
33.) todoroki buys bakugou vinyl records for his record player bakugou likes rock but todoroki buys him jazz rock
34.) todoroki trying to teach their kid ballet but failing so bakugou has no shame throws on a full tutu and leotard to teach them
35.) tdbk takes baths together and todo washes his hair
36.) todoroki already made friendship bracelets he learned to make with deku and whips two out immediately when bakugou says their friends and gives him a choice (bakugou says he takes it back as a half joke)
ngl i ran out of most of my romantic ones so here’s some platonic ones

37.) 1A new hero design sketches for fun and bakugou gets jealous because todoroki’s design was better so he blows it up
38.) [y’all just imagine they were childhood friends 🔫] sleepover where todoroki is trying to tell a scary story in their pillow fort bakugou sits and acts like he’s listening (while blushing) and he scares todoroki by yelling boo and tackling him with a hug
39.) bakugou won a giant teddy bear at the fair on a school trip and he was going to throw it away but todoroki insisted that the bear still deserved to live and bakugou gave it to him
40.) bakugou noticing that when todoroki gets bored in class he puts his head on his hand and looks at the ceiling
41.) todoroki saying how much he hates his scar and he knows he’s unsightly because his mother says that about his left side bakugou trying to help by saying he can blow the other side up

(alt romantic: he kisses the scar and says he loves him no matter what)
42.) todoroki getting to style bakugous hair any way he wants and he puts it in a greaser style and todoroki asks him to recreate crybaby with him bakugou says fuck off
43.) their second date is a drive in movie theater that class 1A planned for all the couples but bakugou wanted a special space for him and todoroki so he asked deku and uraraka and sero to help set it up
i think everyone is finished right? anyways stream (end of thread maybe)
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