Did you know October is #ADHDAwarenessMonth? Here’s some stand-up talking about what it’s like getting diagnosed with ADHD at 32 & the misconception that only boys have ADHD.

ADHD is one of the most misunderstood mental health conditions! Some facts you might not know (thread):
⚡️ ADHD is common and frequently mis-or-undiagnosed disorder among women and girls. Despite the misconception that boys are 4 x more likely to have it, recently research shows there is no significant gender difference.
ADHD exhibits differently in women + notions of what it is were based on studies of "hyperactive white boys". as a kid I was emotionally sensitive, forgetful, vague, distracted easily & found it super difficult to focus on things i didn't find interesting https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/04/adhd-is-different-for-women/381158/
⚡️There are 3 kinds of ADHD - inattentive (disorganised vagueness, can't finish things, follow instructions) hyperactive (hyper and impulsive) and combined type (showing both traits). Combined is the most common. The inattentive type is more likely to be missed
⚡️ADHD is usually treated with a combination of psychological treatment and medications. Stimulant medications used to treat ADHD are still hugely stigmatised and/or treated as a joke. This often causes people with ADHD to avoid disclosing it to others and avoid treatment.
⚡️ADHD isn’t just for kids. While it always starts in childhood (before 12), for most people it is lifelong condition that they won’t “grow out of”.
⚡️ADHD affects about 5% of the population which is about 1 million people in Australia.
⚡️ADHD is highly genetic. People with a family member with ADHD have a much higher likelihood of having ADHD.
⚡️ADHD often co-exists with 1 or more disorders. Around 65% of ppl with ADHD have at least 1 other thing.
⚡️The most common co-existing conditions was Anxiety/Generalised Anxiety Disorder (31.1%), Autism Spectrum Disorder (20.5%) and Depression (11.8%).
⚡️Jails are full of people with ADHD. Sufferers (especially undiagnosed and untreated) have an increased risk of debt, addiction, suicide, self-harm and premature death.
⚡️ It’s worse for women, with the risk for self-harm 2-3 x higher & suicide attempts 3-4 x higher than men
⚡️ ADHD costs Australia $20.4 billion dollars a year!!
⚡️BUT, ADHD is highly treatable with medication, therapy and organisational strategies. Many people with ADHD view it as a superpower!
⚡️There are heaps of pluses to having ADHD, like high creativity, abundance of ideas and lateral thinking/problem solving capabilities, intense curiosity, quick thinking and bravery, plus a drive and determination to pursue passions!
⚡️If there was more awareness & de-stigmatisation of ADHD among the general public, media and health professionals - and people were treated early and effectively - life with ADHD would be much easier
🧠If you think you have ADHD I highly recommend pursuing medical advice to get a diagnosis as it was personally one of the most amazing things for me that truly changed my life.
1. make an appointment with your local GP and get a referral to see a psychiatrist. Rules around prescribing stimulants in Aus are very strict so psychiatrists and paediatricians are the only ones who can prescribe medication and diagnose the condition.
3. Give the psychiatrist’s office a call beforehand to make sure they are taking new patients. Find out how much they cost (it can be hefty but you will get a large medicare rebate). it is also worth contacting different psychiatrists to find out their cost
4. It can be a bit of a slog getting a diagnosis but it’s really worth it! Push on! Set reminders in your calendar to call the place! or do it online/email if you are weird about calling people sometimes like i am
ok that's it, thanks for reading!
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