Back in March, at the height of the panic driven runs to airports all over the world to get 'home' I made a conscious decision to say put here in Thailand. This is already a mask wearing aware society – if you have a cold you wear a mask so you don't infect others is
common sense and socially normal here. They naturally (the vast majority) concern themselves with the welfare of others around them. Now, in over 4 months, we've had 4 community infections (3 incidences) slip through the system but, all were quickly found and contained.
Thailand has 'rapid response' teams all over the country that can get to any possible outbreak in hours to shut it down. We've had a national tracing app since mid May.
Meanwhile, I watch the news, see stories of arrogant stupid Canadian anti-maskers barking about 'freedom'
while they spread their disease far and wide. I see gutless provincial governments who are afraid of the idiots marching demanding more illness, so they bend to their idiocy and open up to further the infection rate followed by an increase in deaths.
I made the right choice to wait it out here.
Addendum: I can go to any restaurant, pub, store or mall I want to. They are all open. I wear my mask (take off in restaurant/bar), enter, get a temperature screening, either sign in by hand (phone number) or by using the app, then get on with my day. Really, really simple.
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