I didn't want to be that guy, but imma be that guy.
I just find it funny that you all are #ProChoice yet in the same breath anti #diewithdignity
Like not for fucking nothing mental illness is a damn disease and its not going to be cured PERIOD, yes there are things you can do to lessen symptoms like take medication and seek professional assistance ( oh wait those are the ONLY two things) 🙄
And it will kill the person but because we live in this shit hole its going to take a long time for everyone to catch up that mental illness assists physical illness so it won't ever be put as a " cause of death " even though it should.
But you will all say "why have this baby be alive and unwanted or in the system" while there are billions of people in the whole wide world that are living and unwanted! And yeah it would have been great if they mamas had a choice then but they are here NOW !!
If that baby can't go through all this mess WHY SHOULD ANYONE!! Be pro choice for real! Because people are out here sticking it out for societies sake, for their families sake, for your sake...
They can't even acknowledge or feel their feelings because society doesn't want it so you're broken and even though you're going to be broken the rest of your life you have to be happy about it because this guy said thats what you're supposed to do...
My bestfriend completed suicide in January and it took me until just this moment before I began to write this thread to realize the only person i have been sad for is me....
I not sad that he killed himself im sad that he's not here with ME, I'm sad he can't hang out WITH ME, im sad he couldn't see MY accomplishments, im sad he cant comfort ME!
That's the most ultimate selfish thing I could be doing. Im thinking about MYSELF and what I LOST. Not that he was suffering, or that he was scared of the future. Of course i wanted him to be happy, but realistically what he was dealing with was going to end badly so i get it!
The scary thing is none of y'all have realized that you're asking your loved ones to suffer for YOU! Im not sayijg that you dont want them well or to be happy but completely disregarding situations, the way at least this country is and many other factors...
Its IMPOSSIBLE for most to get to that, even with doing everything by the book, even with working hard to make your life better. Even with taking meds, even with meditation and affirmations, LIFE IS STILL REAL and its not all good!
I love him so much but he made that choice and though im fucked up from the choices he made he knew how much he could hold he had that choice to make.
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