Was talking to my pharmacy student today about how hard things are right now in COVID, and she mentioned how it’s been extra hard balancing it all while juggling being the sole caregiver for her mother at home. It struck me that often in the app review process, we glorify...
professional involvement, research, etc. And we may inadvertently be leaving out some amazing candidates who would excel in our programs but just don’t have the same bandwidth to do the same # of extracurriculars due to personal situations. Maybe it’s family. Maybe they...
needed to work more to pay the bills as the primary breadwinner in a family. Or something else. What’s the best way we can even the playing field? How do we balance rewarding highly qualified candidates who have excelled in academics and other activities with those who are...
also going to be amazing pharmacists but their CV doesn’t reflect their true capacity? I bet in many ways, these candidates actually have more resiliency and ability to juggle multiple tasks than other students. Focus more on LOI? Allow essay questions? Any thoughts #TwitteRx?
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