how i made my bt21 chimmy costume (and how you can make yours too!); a thread
I just wanna preface this by saying that this is super easy to make!! i've been making these bt21 costumes for the last couple years bc theyre hella comfortable!! anyways i just wanted to spread the love so hopefully this will be helpful :D
1. materials

you'll need a sweatshirt, preferably in the color of your character!! you'll also need some felt, a pen, fabric glue, scissors, cardboard, and a template!! (to make ur template you can literally just crop a reference photo and size it accordingly)
2. cutting out your template

you first want to start by cutting the entire shape out
2a. then trace the outline onto a piece of white felt, and cut that out (if you want to include the border as well then you can start out with a slightly bigger circle of black felt then do the white felt)
2b. cut out the little features on the template, making sure not to ruin the rest of the face, and trace them onto some black felt so you can cut them out
2c. then take the mouth template and cut out the lighter portion, along with the crease of the tongue, and trace it onto pink felt to cut out
2d. cut out the black part so you can make the crease in the tongue
3. then start gluing!! first glue the features to the face, and use the holes in the template to make sure that everything is proportional!!
4. then slip a piece of cardboard under the sweatshirt so that the glue won't stick the two sides of the sweatshirt together
5. mark where you want the face to go
6. glue the face down and let dry!!
7. extra credit: you can add ears onto the sides of the hood!! i have black hair though so i tie my hair up in pigtails :))
that's about it though!! here are some of my costumes from previous years if yall wanna try making them!!
-end of thread-
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