It’s WaWa Story Time. (I’m old, I have a lot of stories)
All care, no responsibility.
When I was 5 months pregnant with the twins, in 2003, I had to get a new job. Ex-husband was lazy & we couldn’t pay the rent, so I signed on as a temp. The next day I had a job with AGL (Thread)
It was great. Call centre based but there was an “elite team” dealing with fallout from moving from SEC to multiple providers. I was part of that team. We were all temps except one. (SEC staff were unsackable under the rules) plus no one
wanted to take on a pregnant woman full time. And twins? I looked like I would burst. Anyway I met two of my best friends in the universe & went back to AGL for years after. But I digress. The policy for temps was always “All care. No responsibility” and the elite team
were different because they encompassed “taking care AND responsibility” - we were actually THAT good. My two friends stayed on as permanents but I went into project world; smart meters, nbn, that sort of thing. And finally we get to my point;
When you’re elected to a position of office, ANY position of office, you take care AND responsibility. You can offload the care to underlings and stakeowners - that’s ok. So, for example, you can have a team that investigates and allocates funding Gladys,
But at the end of the day? You take responsibility! Responsibility, by the way, for all the @DanielAndrewsMP haters, is actually NOT resigning. It’s standing up every day until it’s fixed. In Gladys’ case, she NEEDS to find out why documents were shredded, put auditors on it,
and make it right. When people in power resign, they walk straight into something else. Straight away. If I looked I bet Eccles already has irons in the fire. We have to stop demanding people resign. We need to demand they “Make Good” first. Repatriate.
Good leaders take care AND responsibility. They Make Good. Resigning is an absolute cop out. Neither of our Federal leaders are taking care AND responsibility. Let’s start telling them! #WawasStoryTime #AusPol #CareAndResponsibility
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