This post is *very* good. Relieves a lot of the frustration I have felt in past discussions with @psychgeist52. And I could even understand most of it without knowing the philosophical references (I missed the operationalism point). Thank you @awaisaftab. ICYMI @psychunseen.
One of the things that is unfortunate about the philosophical arguments about 'mental disorders' is that they pull energy away from the far more practically important conversations about the very real iatrogenic harms and stigma created by the 'personality disorder' construct.
My one quibble is that psychiatry does not need to claim authority through medicine. In choosing to be beholden to medicine, psychiatry is hiding from the true source of its power. #Madness disrupts social order and society needs madness to be managed and policed.

It is no coincidence that psychiatry has been coopted into the 'treatment' (often really social management) of the grief, misery and psychological harm arising from colonialism, exploitative capitalism, neoliberalism, and the productivity imperative.
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