Hey I am hearing that some people are worried about what it means that we have another Supreme Court Justice who thinks families like mine should not exist and defiantly should not be legally recognized and protected.
So we are probably mostly ok on Washington since the State independently adopted marriage equality and tradionally birth, marriage and death have largely been the domain of state law.
If you want to do something to feel more protected these estate planning documents https://www.qlawfoundation.org/emergency-estate-planning-.html can help you get access to hospital rooms, medical records and in an emergency bank accounts
If you are Trans your medical care is at risk like everyone else's if the ACA goes away but if you have a Washington Based insurer and the way insurance commissioner doesn't change there will probably an administrative policy requiring trans care to be somewhat covered.
It isn't sunshine and roses by any means, but in terms of what you should worry about... I can't say it will not effect you, but I can say there isn't a specific thing you need to be working on right now to stay safer.
If you live in a State that did not have marriage equality before Bosted you might want to be sure you know the name of an attorney who was working with the queer community preBosted and if it will make you feel better ask them, but overturning Bosted is going to take a case
And the courts being as slow as they are means we will see that specific one coming.
Trans healthcare in other states is a lot messier so check with a local group because that one is really hard to generalize
And unfortunately the ACA case is already set to go, so something might happen there.
And if preexisting conditions can be excluded and lifetime spending caps come back... Well that will mess up a lot of people's healthcare including trans folx.
Right now, as queer people, our legal support should probably be following the lead of the disability community because they are the experts on the ACA issues that are most poised to hurt us the soonest.
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