Queerness is not, actually, a fun-house mirror reflection of heterosexuality. Read Foucault, read Duggan, “conventional domesticity” is absolutely not queer, bye.

Mistress Gatekeeper https://twitter.com/merylwilsner/status/1321558225972547586
“Queer” and “homosexual” are not synonyms, people!!!!
And funny enough I was much more willing to identify as “queer” before the children decided that “queer” meant “literally anything that isn’t cis heterosexual vanilla monogamy” 😑
the personal is P O L I T I C A L, folks!!!!
What does this even mean, and where can I find a lesbian table

and the problem isn’t that it’s boring; it’s that it’s normative. 😑
This reminds me of when “queers” were like “PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE CATERS TO THE MALE GAZE!!” before realizing the film maker is a lesbian because the sex scenes are so hot and hot sex = male gaze

YOU’RE TELLING ON YOURSELVES, LADIES!! and sorry about your sex life đŸ„Ž
Whaddya mean “we” đŸ€š
What in the fuck is a “queer sex life”
Lmao @ boring lesbians thinking Jude Dry is straight because she had the extremely correct take that “the show seems to want a pat on the back for making them queer, without making anything about them very queer.”
Yeah actually, that’s the point. If my lesbian relationship isn’t sexualized then we’ve got a problem lol

Lesbians Against Lesbian Bed Death đŸ˜€
“The Haunting of Bly Manor is a huge step forward in terms of representation because it presents two women in a sexless relationship that won’t threaten the heteropatriarchal status quo”
These folks going on about the scourge of hypersexual lesbians in film...do you mean porn???? Because almost every single lesbian movie has an element of plausible deniability.
Sksksdjskdjskdjkskdks https://twitter.com/pedrettisgf/status/1321517993269071872
@acvalens help
Damn y’all rlly sexualizing a demographic defined by sexuality with pride
The irony!!
Telling a lesbian woman to “keep it in ur pants” because you disagree with her critique of a sanitized homonormative token lesbian relationship is uhh...not not homphobic
Ah shit, they’re non-binary, not a woman. My bad for the misgendering throughout this thread đŸ˜« I’m sorry!
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