questions for khh stans : a second thread
1. who are your top 3 ults?
2. every gotten noticed ?
3. most nsfw thing you've ever thought about ur fav
4. favorite smtm9 team
5. if you had to ask an artist for help dealing with a perv at a party who would you go up to ?
6. artist closest to your ideal type
7. do you stan golden? if not wtf r u waiting for?!?!
8. had ur fav ever collabed with gdragon?
9. your favorite song in your most listened playlist
10. did ur fav ever collab with someone and made u wanna stan that person ??(example woodie and send the zilla, woodie made me wanna stan send after hearing their collab)
11. hahaha laugh like it's funny i want an oscar I'll be the one [...]
12. do you stan mokyo?
13. red or blue tape ?
14. have you ever listened to click me by zion.t ?
15. ^ if yes what's your favorite line?
16. which artist do you dress most alike?
17. different rnb rnb~ I'm sorry if I made u hear his voice and k worded u it wasn't intentional
18. they used to call me damn boi DAMN BOYYY is from who and what song?
19. be honest how many times have you cried listening to hate everything by golden ?
20. do you skip h1ghr in blue tape?
21. if this didn't flop I'm jihee and also golden's significant other from now on uwu ~
[ end of the thread thank u for answering i hope u had fun ]
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